Nurturu (‘nurture you’)

The Art & Science of Building a Better Life

  • Core mission

    At its core, Nurturu seeks to empower people through science to cultivate resilience, health, and harmony with nature. It is a movement dedicated to unlocking the transformative power of science to build a better life for all.

    We believe every individual deserves the opportunity to lead a fulfilling, meaningful and flourishing existence. Fostering a close relationship with nature is vital to nurturing a healthy life. Having access to simple, practical advice is also key.

  • Knowledge for all

    We aim to disseminate research and knowledge, making insights engaging and accessible to everyone. We are committed to fostering a culture of lifelong learning, equipping individuals with evidence-based tools and strategies to enhance their physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing and connection with nature.

    We recognise that the wellbeing of humanity and the health of the environment are intimately linked.

  • Today and the future

    In the short term, we are focusing on developing digital, video, audio, and physical media to offer accessible and pragmatic guidance for nurturing personal growth.

    As we look ahead, our long-term vision is to foster a global movement, expanding our organisation's scope to create a more inclusive and thriving world for all living beings.


Chris Bedwell – digital strategist and creative designer who has worked with some of the world’s biggest brands, providing strategic insight and thought leadership.

Dr Jake M. Robinson – microbiome scientist and restoration ecologist, specialising in understanding the connections between the environment, the microbiome and human health.

More coming soon…